Hi there, my name is Ivan.
I started this project because people kept asking me how I managed to always be traveling and still be self sufficient.
I thought writing a little bit could help many change their mentality and live a life they find more fulfilling.
At 23, I quit my regular office job as an insurance underwriter and set off to live a life of a digital nomad. Backpack, laptop and a whole world of adventures waiting ahead.
Q- How do I do this? - A. I work for myself.
I run my own E-commerce webpages that can be managed from anywhere. As long as I have my laptop and internet connection, I can go wherever.
Deciding to work for myself has been the best decision of my life. After only 4 months of running my e-commerce webpage, I was earning more money from it than what I was getting paid at my "real" job. So I quit and decided to hit the road!
It’s not like this gig came out of the blue... Ever since I was young my dream was to:
Have my own company and not have to answer to anyone - I hate doing what i'm told...
Be able to run said company using only my laptop so that I can travel the world.
With a lot of hard work... having kept on trying again and again (alongside going to university and regular work) finally... I've made it. I am living the life of my dreams.
Every year I write down a list of countries I want to go to, or things I want to do/see. I then plan how I can fit it all in, book tickets and go.
This is my personal blog.
"Never trade honesty for relatability" said some Indian woman I can't remember the name of.
Beware, because I don't plan to use a filter. I am a little strange and not shy about it. -Those who know me will agree.
What else?
Not everyone dreams of a life of work & travel and being on the road for months on end like me.
Buttttt everyone does have an idea of what a better life looks like for them. What is is that gets you going? How would you like to be? What does your perfect life look like?
I want to motivate you to stop overthinking and get going. For you to say "Yes, fuck it. I'll just go for it. I want to live my best life".
Of course, perfect doesn't exist, so you won't get EVERYTHING you want. But if you just try, you may get a lot further than what you think. It's better to be 80% like your dream self than to not even try, and keep dragging along through life never really doing what you've wanted.
Take action! Map your life out. Decide EXACTLY what it is you want. Plan how you can get there, and head straight on to the most direct route that will get you there, and make you the most happy.
That's what I do, and what I want you to do too.
My third dream which im working towards:
3. Become a millionaire -like most guys who studied business-.
Nevertheless, I strongly believe "It's not about the destination, but the journey".
So, fuck it... the journey I'm on is quite amazing. I’m not in a rush to get there.
The idea for my Vlog/blog stories is to inspires you to pursue your passions and dedicate your life to the things you love. I love writing and sharing all of my thoughts with my readers.
Ivan's Planet is truly my own little passion project, gaining more and more traction each day.
I hope you enjoy browsing my site and all of the unique content I have to offer.
Take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover what fuels you.
Read on and enjoy!